Be Here Now
Art Collection Deutsche Börse

29 March 2012 until 24 August 2012
Deutsche Börse AG, The Cube, Eschborn
As a partner of the RAY 2012 photography festival in Frankfurt, Deutsche Börse presented the first event of the festival's programme with the special exhibition “Be here now”, opening on 29 March 2012. The exhibition showed around 80 photographs from Art Collection Deutsche Börse, acquired between 1999 and 2011. Photographs by a total of 20 well-known artists from the collection are presented, including works from Anna and Bernhard Blume, Geert Goiris, Jitka Hanzlová, Candida Höfer, Jürgen Nefzger, Ricarda Roggan, Stephen Shore and Erwin Wurm.
“Be here now” looks at the particular relationship of bodies, time and space in contemporary photography. The shown works expose the anachronism between objects and space in which objects suddenly appear alive or even human, and also photographs in which artists include themselves attempting to blend invisibly into a selected background. Things from daily life are queried as symptoms of their time.
The exhibition's curator was Anne-Marie Beckmann.
Link: "Nachgefragt" - RAY 2012 - mit Kuratorin Anne-Marie Beckmann auf