C/O Talents 2013

22 May 2014 until 4 July 2014
Deutsche Börse AG, The Cube, Eschborn
Deutsche Börse presented simultaneously two special exhibitions at its corporate headquarters in Eschborn. “C/O Talents 2013” showed works by the young artists Marc Beckmann, Emanuel Mathias, Krzysztof Pijarski und Iveta Vaivode, and in addition, the exhibition “Im Eis. Photographies by Stefan Hunstein“ were on display.
“C/O Talents” is a promotional programme for young artists and art critics offered annually by C/O Foundation Berlin since 2006. Deutsche Börse was a founding partner of the programme and exhibited the work by the young talents annually in a special joint exhibition. Find more information here.
The theme in 2013 was “Memories”, centring on the ability of photography to influence our awareness as a carrier of memories. Whether answered in a playful, conceptual, or scientific way, “C/O Talents 2013” poses the question of how the aspect of memory can be visualized, but also challenged artistically, within the medium. On the critics’ side, the winners’ works on display are complemented by the Talents critics Sarah Alberti, Jule Hillgärtner, Annika K. Kuhlmann and Sabine Weier. The exhibition was conceived by Ann-Christin Bertrand, “C/O Talents” curator.