The Biography of Things

2 February to 27 April 2018
Deutsche Börse AG, The Cube, Eschborn
In our daily lives, we are surrounded by objects everywhere we go. However, they are not merely part of our surroundings; they hold clues on how we perceive our environment and how we wish to be perceived. Our exhibition "The Biography of Things" explored the question of how the objects depicted in photographs can turn into protagonists and unfold new realities. In this process of artistic examination, the camera takes on the role of intermediary – much like a telescope focusing on the world of objects, which appear to be subject to their own laws and put our perception to the test.
Taking a closer look at the objects we surround ourselves with, which we produce, handle or simply stumble upon, is like holding up a mirror to ourselves. Through the medium of photography, which has the power of depicting reality as well as creating entirely artificial images, the portraits of inanimate objects reveal to us how we see our environment as well as ourselves – or how we would like to see them, in an ideal world.
"The Biography of Things" was a collaboration of the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation, the Liebscher photography class of the Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach (HfG, University of Art and Design) and students of the Curatorial Studies programme of Goethe University and the Hochschule für Bildende Künste/Städelschule in Frankfurt/Main. On the initiative of the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation, the students of the Master programme Curatorial Studies curated an exhibition of photographic works by the Liebscher class of the HfG Offenbach. The photographs were presented in the exhibition spaces of The Cube, Eschborn, company headquarters of the Deutsche Börse AG. The project's objective was to offer practical experience to students from both programmes with the opportunity of realising a joint exhibition. Around 80 works by 15 HfG students were shown in one of the exhibition areas. They were complemented by an extensive selection of works from the Art Collection Deutsche Börse which also reflected the subject matter. In addition, a temporary exterior exhibition project with works by five HfG artists was installed from 13 February to 5 March 2018 on the C-level of the Hauptwache in downtown Frankfurt. A catalogue accompanied the exhibition.
Artists (HfG): Zani Arkadina, Janine Bächle, Jennifer Bannert, Laura Brichta, Urs Tilman Daun, Béla Feldberg, Annika Grabold, Dennis Haustein, Johannes Lenzgeiger, Felicitas von Lutzau, Nico Anthony Mason, Malte Sänger, Robert Schittko, Jochen Stierberger and Rudi Weissbeck.
Installation shots "The Biography of Things"
The Cube Eschborn, 2018 © Albrecht Haag Fotografie